Monday, September 27, 2010

Diving In

So I've finally joined the world of online society. Facebook, Twitter, a blog... it was a simple plan, really: get a presence out there so people can find my work if / when it ever gets published. I've even been knocking around the idea of putting some work online myself, now that forums like Kindle and iBooks are available to individuals who want to sell their work themselves. But along the way to networking, I've taken a lot of side trips down memory lane. EVERYONE is on Facebook, it seems. Most are people I'm glad to see, and I can't believe I haven't done more to keep those relationships active. So I feel guilty. And there are some who I haven't talked to in years for a reason.

So will see how this goes. For now, I am feeling blessed to have so many friends, and glad that I can find them all in one place. And I am hoping that I can keep in better touch with everyone, and that I won't catch too much flack when I start promoting myself more. And I'm really hoping I can avoid all those annoying Farmville updates!