Monday, November 1, 2010

Daily Grind

Since today is the start of NaNoWriMo I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

1) I purchased ISBN numbers for "Days of Reckoning."  I got the 10-pack for $250. I figure that should cover me for the various online retailers I want to post to, as well as a print edition if I ever go that route. I probably should have purchased more, but my credit card is already screaming at me. You can get a hundred for $575, currently. If this project is even remotely successful, I'll be going that route. For now, 10 will have to do.

2) Editing the final draft is taking longer than I wanted it to. That's to be expected, though.

3) My cover artist is still on board, despite having just had a baby. I'm very excited to see what she comes up with, as my pathetic efforts at creating back-up covers are, well, pathetic.

4) I'm still in a holding pattern on my other novels. I think I will wait and see what the next few months hold before I decide which way to jump with them. Besides, I need the extra time to clean them up, as they are both still in the early drafts stage.

5) Yup, even though I'm busy as hell with work and school and this publishing endeavor, I am going to give NaNoWriMo another go. I must be a glutton for punishment, and I may very well fail this time around (to date I'm 2-3), but I have some ideas bouncing around in my head, and I'd like to see how they come together. So if I don't post for a bit, my apologies. In the meantime, if you're a NaNoer, good luck and happy writing!

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